السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I really hope that you enjoy the learning process through this Website.
Since it is very important to have the resources to learn from, I am sharing with you the PDF for Madinah Book 1 and the PDF with the vocabulary that can be found in Madinah Book 1.
Madinah Book 1 PDF:
Vocabulary Madinah Book 1:
A Gift To The Learners
And here is a special gift for the learners! A compilation of all the lessons in PDF form, Grammar Book 1 for Madinah Book 1 in English! The PDF may contain typing errors but you can use it for learning. It contains all the lessons that you find on this website + lessons that are not on this website. I hope you enjoy!
Grammar Book 1 for Madinah Book 1 PDF:
In the next post you will find all details to the services and on how to get in touch with me.
I ask Allah to make your learning process easy ameen!